More information about each character will be revealed as more comics are released!


Name: Tommy Ulverston
Occupation: Fry cook at Grum's


Originally called T-Posing Tommy, I created this character in late December of 2018. I would draw him in all sorts of absurd scenarios, especially ones pertaining to his love for Powerade.
Tommy's character evolved to become more serious over time, as you will see throughout TakeThisMedkit. I set the tone for this by making the first issue of the webcomic about Tommy asking for
relationship advice, which is something I had never written about before. Shortly before starting TakeThisMedkit I had watched Clerks (1994) for the first time, which I now consider to be my favourite movie.
I saw a lot of Tommy in the film's protagonist Dante Hicks, and I wanted to start writing more from that angle.

Soda Steve

Name: Steve
Occupation: ????


Steve was one of the two friends I made for Tommy. His original design was just a floating head with arms hanging underneath where his ears would be and he would get around by floating.
I had a whole lore explanation for this but it wasn't particularly relevant to anything so I scrapped it and gave him a body. He's somewhat based on the Instagram comedian FunnyManLance who is known
for his short videos about itchy buttholes. I spliced some of Lance's audio to make this video on my YouTube channel a few years back.


Name: Yves Zyvulic
Occupation: NAACP representative


(For those of you not familiar with French phonology, Yves is pronounced the same as Eve) I came up with Yves by trying to think of what would be most alphabetically disadvantaged name. I came up with the
NAACP bit by accident, I was just trying to come up with a name for an organisation for people who would consider themselves "alphabetically challenged". I accidentally came up with a name that had the same
initials as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and figured I could get some good jokes out of that.